Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TOP Ten TOP tour bus drivers new years do's and don'ts By Al Carlos

10. Get a DRIVERS license, instead of a JIVERS license.

9. Seriously, use the buses horn, not Tommy's.

8. Wearing a Raiders helmet isn't funny after the 15th time.

7. Cruise control doesn’t mean driver can go in the back and make a sandwich while barreling down the freeway.

6. Do not use the bus, to schlep, regular passengers for extra income when the band is performing.

5. No matter how good you become at “Freestyle Rapping" you ain't sitting in.

4. Do not use women’s underwear tossed on stage to make bus cover.

3. If the band doesn’t make the gig, Oakland fans may go over to your house for an explanation.

2. Three words; Map Freaking Quest.

1. Stop spending all the bridge toll money on corn nuts.