Wednesday, September 24, 2008

TOP Fans Hit Las Vegas

This past weekend, a number of Tower of Power fans came to Las Vegas to see the band for three nights, but mainly it was a gathering of friends. Many of those that attended, had communicated with each other through Internet message boards for years, and yet this was there first face to face meeting. For me, there were but I few that I had actually met in person, so this gathering was particularly special. Many that attended came in Thursday and stayed until Monday. Most attended all three shows, but the full group was in attendance Saturday night.

The gathering included folks from the East and West coasts as well as some friends from Canada. Below is a picture of those that attended Saturdays show (also in the picture are Tower of Power's David Garibaldi, and Tom Politzer).

Photo Courtesy of Bob Burchfield

The highlight of the weekend was a gaff made by Bob Burchfield (Burchie) during Sunday's performance. Right before the beginning of "Diggin on James Brown", Emilio Castillo normally introduces the song by Announcing the Tower of Power is a Soul Band Playing Soul Music For 40 years, he goes on to say and From 1968 right up to.....and then hands the microphone to Burchie to finish the line. Here is the video evidence of what happens next:

I have personally been to many Tower of Power shows and this was the first time that I actually saw the entire band roll with laughter. Burchie were are laughing with you, not at you my friend.

On a personal note, I don't believe I have ever been with such a large group of people, that got a long so well. Never an argument, just a sharing of friendship, love of music, and tons of laughter. To those who came to Vegas this weekend all I can say is that I'm grateful to have had this experience, to those who missed it but wanted to attend, you were there in spirit.

Raoul Fernandes